In realizing that the world's population is about 3.2 billion people under the age of 35, of which 85 percent are living in our developing countries. Young people are concerned, thoughtful citizens, capable of participating in, and changing the society of which they are a part; and they have an important role to play in addressing and affecting the issues of our world.
In addition, young people have enthusiasm, imagination and abundant energy to undertake local actions. We in CECD see youths as effective communicators in their communities activities. They can enhance awareness, access to information and participation in a range of environmental, social and sustainable development issues, including climate change.
Climate change has become a reality globally, with deteriorating socio-economic and environmental impacts. More fierce weather events, floods, desert encroachments, our season cycles are disrupted; ecosystems, food supply and water supply are seriously affected. Increased erosion, loss of beaches, mangroves, coastal wetlands- the turtle nesting sites, siltation and the increased damage caused by more severe storms, droughts and other major environmental stressors,, make it necessary for us to call for this summit
The main aim of this summit is to build the youths capacity to champion the green economy in Nigeria and generate employment as well as reduce poverty and impact of climate change in their communities
The young people are especially vulnerable to food shortage and the rising costs of food caused by energy and climate change. Young people are disproportionately affected by conflict caused by shortage of natural resources. Young people feel keenly the loss of environmental resources for both livelihoods and recreation. For these reasons, we in CECD as young adult, seek to give opportunities to youths to add their voices to the call for every effort to be made by governments and international bodies towards environmental conservation for climate stabilization.
To impact knowledge of environmental issues and how local solutions can be sought
To develop innovative knowledge and problem solving skill in youths for climate change adaptation and mitigation
To develop the youths into climate change adaptation and environmental conservation emissaries
periority Areas
The three days summit shall features
Presentations, Training and engagements
The group presentations on
1 Green Human habitat and health
2 Agriculture, food security, forest and biodiversity conservation
3 Energy efficiency, industrialization, ICT waste management
4 Water resources, freshwater ecosystems and wetland managements
5 Coastal and maritime ecosystems managements
1 At the end of the three days summit, participated youths are expected to have gaining enough knowledge to develop project on their choosing thematic areas
2 Participating youth are expected to acquire knowledge and skill to develop fund-able proposals and raise fund for climate change, as well as green economy and community development
3 Participated youths shall be knowledgeable to serve as emissaries and climate change ambassadors in their communities
4 Participated youths shall have opportunity to network and partner on climate change and green economic development projects