T o reduce the spread of choleras and waterborne diseases Kick-out the Cholera-Clean up the Waterways is an initiative of The Centre for Environmental and Community Development In response to wide spread cholera and other water related diseases in Nigeria and in anticipation of World water monitoring day as well as ![](file:///C:/DOCUME%7E1/sonny/LOCALS%7E1/Temp/msohtmlclip1/01/clip_image001.gif) International Coastal Cleanup day. Targeted on to be implementing in 36 LGAs and 108 local communities for a period of two months with protect cost of $30,500USD (4, 575000 Naira) --------------DPONSORSHIP WANTED
Relevance of the Action The cholera epidemic, is assuming a devastating hurricane wind in Nigeria, sweeping through the North and South Eastern parts of the country, there has been recorded 6,497 cases with 352 deaths while Federal Government, alerted the nation that the entire country was at risk of the epidemic. The out break of Cholera from January...
Posted at: 02:38 AM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink
INTRODUCTION In realizing that the world's population is about 3.2 billion people under the age of 35, of which 85 percent are living in our developing countries. Young people are concerned, thoughtful citizens, capable of participating in, and changing the society of which they are a part; and they have an important role to play in addressing and affecting the issues of our world. In addition, young people have enthusiasm, imagination and abundant energy to undertake local actions. We in CECD see youths as effective communicators in their communities activities. They can enhance awareness, access to information and participation in a range of environmental, social and sustainable development issues, including climate change. Climate change has become a reality globally, with deteriorating socio-economic and environmental impacts. More fierce weather events, floods, desert encroachments, our season cycles are disrupted; ecosystems, food supply and water supply are seriously affected. Increased erosion, loss of beaches, mangroves, coastal wetlands- the turtle nesting sites, siltation and the increased damage caused by more severe storms, droughts and other major environmental stressors,, make it necessary for us to call for this summit THE AIM The main aim of this summit is to build the youths capacity to champion...
Posted at: 08:29 AM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink
Today, Federal, state and local governments, including Development Partners are spending billions of Naira on various development programmes, especially in the Niger Delta. Environmental resources, such as rainforests, biological diversities and the genetic pools that have sustaining the livelihood of our people for centuries has never been consider as a major component of the development programmes. Therefore this call for question of sustainability, there are over 30-abandon forest Reserves in this region and noting have being said about it.
The World commission for Environment and Sustainable Development’s publication of 1987 tagged: ‘’Environmental Perspectives, the Year 2000 and Beyond’, recognizes that environmental resources is the lifeblood of socio-economic development, and the state of environment is a vital aspect of human well-being and development’’ During the ancient time, our forefathers learned that their actions could undermine the natural resource base of their communities in which their future livelihood depends. They develop some traditional copping mechanisms, such as protected some forest as sacred grove, some streams are only fished once in a year, some taboo forbid some animals and bird from being killed at certain period of the year, all this traditions enhanced conservation and protection...
Posted at: 11:26 AM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink
Dear friends, We thank you all for participating in our workshop on tropical forestry and climate change 2009, while seeking for partnership and collaborations to continues our full time rain forest conservation project in the Niger Delta.
The national forestry policy as adopted since 1958, and UN Food and Agricultural Organization recommended that 25percent of Nigeria land mass should be set aside as protected forest reserves.. But today less than 8 percent of Nigeria land mass are protected.
About 22 designated forest reserves are in the nine states of Niger Delta, these forests are under the contol of state governments, they either stand or fall depending on the interest of the ruling government, they are ruthlessly exploited without maintenance,
Now in the face of climate change and UNFCCC Clean Development Mechanisim, forest remain the only opportunity we have to benefit from carbon credit market
We are calling on civil organization to let's work together to further the interest of conservation in Nigeria, specially in the Niger Delta where oil exploration are rendering our tropical rain forests to sterile soil.
For more on these please log on: Thanks and best regards
John Akinnuba Executive Director CECD
Posted at: 02:52 AM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink
Protection of the World Remaining Tropical Rainforest is Vital for All Humanity
When forests thrive, we all thrive. To prevent the most dangerous impacts of climate change, we must conserve the world’s tropical forests,"These investments will also protect the vital resources that forests provide — fresh water, food, medicine, and habitat for more than half of all the species on Earth. we in Nigeria needs to be at the forefront of protecting these vital assets in Africa, which are important not only for stabilizing the climate, but for ensuring the long–term security of our rural communities, including our own citties.
Fighting global warming and moving to a clean energy economy will require the world to come together and protect the world’s tropical forests,"These tropical forest protections will help make tackling climate change both more affordable and comprehensive, the way in protecting these forests is by including the right incentives in the comprehensive climate change legislations.
Destruction of the world’s forests produces about 20 percent of the climate–changing greenhouse gas emissions released into the atmosphere each year – more than from all the planes, trains and automobiles on Earth, Additionally, millions of people around the world depend on forests for clean water, food, shelter and their livelihoods. These principles create a real chance...
Posted at: 07:03 PM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink