There has never been a time in history than now, when our planet is Threatened by combined forces of Deforestation, Environmental pollution and the growing human population that need to be fed, clothed and sheltered.
For years, man, in quest for survival and riches has released billions of pollutants into the Atmosphere, accelerating global surface warming and dramatic climate changes. The IPCC report 2001 say’ ‘’Global surface temperature have increased between 0.4c and 0.8c since the late 19th century” and many experts believe this increase could have been responsible for the dramatic weather events and climate changes world-wide.
Meanwhile, we in Africa are particularly vulnerable to the effect of climate change, because many of our people living in the rural communities depend largely on their natural environment for food, water, shelter, and medicine. Therefore, we must be critical about the programme of adaptation to climate change.
Truly, since United Nation Conference on Human Environment in 1972, the world leaders have made commendable efforts to curb environmental problems, but virtually every major indicator to day shows that environmental woes are worst than that of 36 years ago. We in CECD believed it will require more than frame works and capacity building on the part of our leaders, to stem down Environmental Pollution, forest Degradation and Biodiversity loss. It will require building the political will to adopt the frame works and raising the awareness at states, local Government and community level. These types of changes also require our working with community leaders, Farmers, Politicians, Judges, and Executives to know the interrelated nature of environment, economic and health system.
Ipcc report 2022

UN GLOBAL ENVIRONMENTAL COMPACT EnvironmentThe UN Global Compact’s environment principles are derived from the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development The three principles are:
Corporate Environmental ResponsibilityThe world is today facing unique and daunting environmental challenges. These include climate change; an emerging global crisis in water availability and water pollution; record loss of biodiversity and long-term damage to ecosystems; pollution of the atmosphere; waste production and disposal; impacts of chemicals use and toxic substance disposal; damaged aquatic ecosystems; and deforestation and land degradation. In recent years, increasing numbers of companies have adopted broad-based strategies and policies to manage the widening array of risks, and in some cases opportunities, presented by these environmental challenges. Companies that pursue such sustainable approaches can generate benefits from the following:
While more and more companies have embraced environmental sustainability as a management imperative, it is also clear that even more comprehensive strategies and actions will be required if business is to reach its full potential with respect to global and local environmental challenges. Engagement Platforms - Climate Change and WaterIn addition to its core environmental principles, the UN Global Compact is focusing on two of the most critical – and related – environmental issues of this century: climate change and water sustainability. In this regard, participants are encouraged to join the following engagement platforms:
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Community Forest enterprises
For most people living in rural areas of Niger Delta, especially the poor, forests and trees are the sources of food, fuel, fodder, medicines, and building materials as well as cash income.
We need to assists the people in developing income-generating tree and forest product enterprises while also having greater incentive to sustainably manage and protect those resources. Community-based tree and forest product enterprises are to be designed with the help of community participatory methodologies, such as Market Analysis and Development and operate within the framework of participatory forestry mechanisms that enable those people who have a direct stake in forest resources, to be part of decision-making in all aspects of forest management.
Aims are to assist people in developing forest-based income-generating enterprises while conserving natural resources.
- Ensure increased revenue for local producers/groups based on key non-wood forest products NWFP production and commercialization.
- Improve entrepreneurial and marketing skills.
- Ensure sustainable resource production and harvesting techniques.
- Improve processing for local value addition.
- Improve access to market information & credit.
- Provide an enabling policy and institutional environment.
- Facilitate training of trainers for enhancing small forest enterprises based on Market Analysis and Demand processes
- Stimulate and facilitate the set up of Forest market at the community and state level and work with NGOs to link forest products with national and international platform
- Support the establishment or reinforcement of Forest Producer Associations for Small and Medium Forest Enterprises (SMFEs)
- Contribute to better functioning business development and financial services for SMFEs in local communities
- Assist in shaping an enabling policy environment for SMFEs